School Books
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33 Days Challenge CBSE Class 10 Final Revision Book
Prepare smartly for your CBSE Class 10 Board Exams with Padhle Akshay’s ’33 Days Challenge’ revision pack! This pack of three books covers Mathematics Standard, Science, and Social Science, offering a focused and structured revision plan. Each book includes comprehensive content, sample papers, and a 33-day study guide to boost your confidence for the 2024 Board Exams. Streamline your revision, practice effectively, and ace your exams with this invaluable resource pack.
Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Papers Class 10 Science
This product description aims to emphasize the comprehensive nature of the book, including its coverage of the updated CBSE curriculum, sample papers with solutions, marking schemes, and chapter-wise revision notes to aid students in their preparation for the Class 10 Science Board Exams in 2024. Adjustments can be made based on specific highlights or additional features of the book.